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2025/02/23(日) 05:10:17

正気の削り落しデッキ 立て直しました 診断終了...

1 :
正気の削り落しデッキ 立て直しました

土地形 (24)
4 《Watery Grave》
4 《Shelldock Isle》
3 《Marsh Flats》
3 《Ghost Quarter 》
2 《Swamp》
8 《Island》

クリーチャー (5)
2 《Overbeing of Myth》
3 《Godhead of Awe》

呪文系 (31)
4 《Archive Trap》
4 《Sanity Grinding》
4 《Glimpse the Unthinkable》
4 《Cryptic Command》
4 《Boomerang》
4 《Repeal》
4 《Twincast》
3 《Broken Ambitions》

2 《Threads of Disloyalty》
4 《Spell Snare》
4 《Damrkness》
3 《Thoughtseize》
2 《Tormod's Crypt》UPDATED Feb 21, 2010



メタ:バントズー、HexmageDepths、RED win、フェアリー


My problem with 《Sanity Grinding》 deck is slow for extended. I know for fact that if I have 5 turns I will definitely win for sure but, when I'm against 《Dark Depths》《Thopter Foundry》 (Very Popular Right Now) deck I can't keep up with them turn 3 kill with 《Dark Depths》and Thopter making.

Also, against very control deck like Faeries、I get to mill their deck but when I tap-out it is very hard for me to win.
So I usually keep my mana open.

I know 《Sanity Grinding》 is not a meta deck, but this deck could be an ambush deck that people would not anticipate to against in Extended. I need you guys diagnosis on this deck to should I change it to Mono blue deck.



(last edited: 2010/02/22(月) 04:47:23) 2010/02/14(日) 21:13:24

4 :

You are supposed to add notation of the format of your deck on >>1. ex) Format: Extended


>>《Dark Depths》《Thopter Foundry》 (Very Popular Right Now) deck
You are referring to the "Hexmage Depths"deck with the combo by 《Thopter Fonudry》 and 《Sword of the Meek》, right?

If you feel you often fail to defend from beat-down, you might abandon the use of 《Nemesis of Reason》 or decrease the number of it. Instead, sorceries in your deck sufficiently help you well.
All of the meta decks you referred to has quickness of beat-down, so light counter spells and bounces might help you. For example, 《Broken Ambitions》, 《Spell Snare》, 《Repeal》, and so on. Purhaps, if you defend well at the early stage of games, your deck has enough power to kill opps.
2010/02/15(月) 10:04:14

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