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2025/03/13(木) 04:23:08

【MTG.COM】 Serious Fun: This Is Madness!

1 :
Dantalian @レベル4管理人

Awoooooooo! Welcome, fellow Internet denizens! This is the first, and only, Serious Fun dedicated to spinning the hairiest works and darkest decks Innistrad has to offer us. You won't find any Avacynian fallacies here. We're going to rock the blood red all night, every night! That's right, you're reading Howlin' Mad Stybs's "Mad Minutes" feedback.

2011/10/04(火) 17:37:41

2 :
古橋のぶゆき メールアドレス公開設定
2:《ケッシグの狼の地/Kessig Wolf Run》
4:《根縛りの岩山/Rootbound Crag》
4:《夜明けのレインジャー/Daybreak Ranger》
1:《月桂樹の古老/Elder of Laurels》
3:《ガツタフの羊飼い/Gatstaf Shepherd》
1:《灰毛ののけ者/Grizzled Outcasts》
3:《扇動する集団/Instigator Gang》
1:《ケッシグの檻破り/Kessig Cagebreakers》
2:《クルーインの無法者/Kruin Outlaw》
4:《アヴァブルックの町長/Mayor of Avabruck》
2:《エストワルドの村人/Villagers of Estwald》
1:《硫黄の流弾/Brimstone Volley》
1:《昇る満月/Full Moon's Rise》
2:《狩人の眼識/Hunter's Insight》
4:《有毒の蘇生/Noxious Revival》
1:《流転の護符/Quicksilver Amulet》

2011/10/08(土) 10:19:26

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